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2015_0818 dw operations

Date: Aug. 18, 2015
Time: 2:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


1. Action items from last call 2015_0804 DW Operations

2. Data request interface update

  • email notifications
  • lifecycle and status flags

3. File transfers to DW

  • 2011b emissions
  • 2011 WRF

4. IWDW Visualization Tool workgroup webinar (Sept 2)

Wrap Up

Tom suggested adding another wiki entry for winter O3 modeling. Exists under winter-ozone-aq-modeling-resultswinter-ozone-meteorology-modeling-results

Zac has added WRF performance plots for winter O3 modeling to image browser.

Zac has winter O3 report - follow up to add to DW docs.

Need to move Denver O3 SIP to Ralph's projects (e.g add Ralph to project team)

Dustin's revised data request interface - two more weeks for development and debugging before publishing to production

Add spec sheets to modeling scenario sections in new data request interface - Ralph will provide

Tom - use IWDW-WAQS naming convention starting with 2011b (can we use WAQS for modeling work?)

2011b emissions data has been transferred to DW. Zac will send 2011av2 emissions (corrections to onroad mobile NO, HONO, ...). This will be available as an errata w/o PGM - Zac will provide spec sheets

Image browser: Zac suggested providing thumbnail views, ability to select multiple plots and download

Action Items

  • Zac will look into ER tool db - e.g. NOx on road mobile
  • Zac will send 2011 WRF on disk to CIRA - DONE
  • Dustin - pull 2011a ICBC out of emission category
  • Dustin - include readme docs as part of respective platform download file structure
  • Zac - work on 2011a/b benchmark packages
  • Ralph - modeling spec sheets