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2016-10-27 WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment Working Group

Date: October 27, 2016
Time: 10-11:30AM MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837





Monitoring Sites

  • Status of current network
  • Possible WAQS expansion

Data Analysis

  • Spatial analysis
  • NAAQS Design Values
  • Emissions & AQ modeling

Cost Analysis



Background Info



Greg Hershfield (CO ), Cara Kesler (WY), Rebecca Mattichuck (EPA R8), Chad Meister (BLM CO), Bo Call (UT), Tom Moore (WESTAR), Barkley Sive (NPS), Melanie Pitrolus (FS), Doug Kuenzil (MT DEQ), Chuck Hyatt (ND), Rita Bates (NM), Mike Barna (NPS), Debbie Miller (FS), Gordon Pierce (CO), Shawn McClure (CIRA), Dustin Schmidt (CIRA), Rodger Ames (CIRA)

Rodger Ames initiated the call with a roll call and introductionoverview toof the IWDW-WAQS Monitoring Network Assessment (see PDF above). He then lead the group through thea presentation (PPT(see above).PPT above) that outlined objectives for this round of the network assessment, and presented a strawman for IWDW-WAQS working group tasks. Feedback from participants in the call included:

  • Cost Analysis: Tom Moore commented that the objective of this part of the assesment is to inventory funding sources and document how funding is leveraged among cooperating agencies.

  • Considerations for potential site shut-down: Rita Bates commented that the current climate from EPA is to shut down monitors; this could make it difficult to find funding for additional sites. Mike Barna commented that the group should consider options for relocating monitoring sites as an alternative to shutting down.

  • A focus of the IWDW-WAQS assessment will be on rural AQ; efforts will be made to review states' 5-year monitoirn network assessments and summarize their recommendations, particularly WRT monitoring site removal and potental site additions. Assessments from standard networks (e.g. CASTNet) will also be reviewed.

  • Analysis inorporating AQ modeling: Tom Moore suggested looking at SNMOS modeling to evaluate impacts of fires and other exceptional events

  • State O3 designations: Tom also suggested the group review recent submissions by states for new O3 standard.

Action Items


  1. Monitoring Site Status
    1. AQS data pull
    2. Cross reference with state's 5-year assessments
  2. Data Analysis
    1. repeat analyses from previous 3SAQS assessment
    2. comparisons of current network to recent WAQS AQ modeling
  3. Cost analysis