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Coordination - 2021-2022

Collaborative Wiki Main Page

Inventory Collaborative Google Drive Link


Co-leads: Alison Eyth (EPA OAQPS), Zac Adelman (LADCO)

Mark Janssen (LADCO), Deborah Wilson (MARAMA), Mary Uhl (WESTAR), Tom Moore (WESTAR), Michael Vince (CENSARA), Jeff Underhill (NESCAUM), John Hornback (SESARM), Jim Boylan (GA DNR), Byeong Kim (GA DNR), Doug Boyer (TCEQ), Serpil Kayin (EPA), Jeff Vukovich (EPA), Caroline Farkas (EPA), Sarah Roberts (EPA), Tammy Manning (NCDENR), Eric Zalewsky (NY), Tom Richardson (OK), Susan McCusker (MARAMA), Heather Simon (EPA), Norm Possiel (EPA), Scott Hodges (SESARM)

Coordination Committee Meetings

Held the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 1:00 or 2:00 p.m. Eastern. This wiki will be used to present the agenda before each call.

Next meeting: January 12, 2021

December 8, 2021


  1. Preview of what people are finding with 2016v2 review
  2. Plans for future modeling


Zac, Alison, Tammy, Susan, Eric, Xiangyu, Scott, Tom R, Doug, Serpil, Sarah, Mark, Jeff U, Jeff V, Jim B


2. Plans for future modeling

  1. Will there be new MOVES runs? A: Hoping not, but possibly SMOKE-MOVES runs

  1. Is a new base year (i.e., 2017) OK for non-EGU sources? A: Yes, using 2017 is fine - especially for non-EGUs not reporting in 2016

  1. When is EPA planning to do more modeling pre-December 2022? A: the specific dates have not yet been determined, but likely starting sometime in spring of 2022
    1. LADCO would like to know timing to coordinate with their own modeling
    2. Wondering what new platform will be called - 2016v3?
    3. Wondering what other analyses v2 or v3 might be used for
    4. Regarding origins of the Collaborative - states and MJOs still want to be involved, but the preferred approach may vary from 2016v1 approach
    5. Would like opportunity to review emissions before they go into major modeling exercises
    6. Would have liked to be involved earlier in the process for 2016v2
    7. Goal is to come up with the best product
    8. Can inventories be reviewed before modeling is performed (e.g., v3)?

November 10, 2021


  1. Inventory Collaborative manuscript update (Zac)
  2. Summary of comments to-date on 2016v2 (Alison)
  3. Communicating impacts of state emissions rules and regulations to EPA (Alison, All)
  4. Modeling and analysis updates with 2016 platform (All)
  5. Data sharing update


Alison, Tom R, Caroline, Mark, Zac, Scott H, Tammy, Doug, Jeff U, Mike V, Sarah, Jim B, Debbie, Jeff V Maureen (LA DEQ), Winston, Eric, Kelly P (??)


1. Inventory Collaborative manuscript update (Zac)

  • Slowly updating the manuscript on collaborative process
  • Will cut off soon
  • Probably target JAWMA, but they have page fees
  • Will share with rest of group once we have a full draft

2. Summary of comments received on the 2016v2 platform (Alison)

  • Group reviewed spreadsheet of comments
  • Zac asked about the biogenic emissions updates - more soil NO in some places and fewer VOC - Jeff replied about landuse and EF updates
  • Zac is noticing they are low in NOx for 2016v1
  • Now that there are dates for transport modeling - would like to know dates for next round of AQ modeling
  • should they be targeting their modeling efforts over next few months?

3. Communicating state emissions rules and regulations to EPA (All)

  • Susan is planning to provide updates on state / OTC rules - work is ongoing
  • Alison mentioned that having quantitative data would be most helpful
  • Ohio just finalized a solvent/surface coatings reg to mimic OTC rules [and are also looking at NOx and VOC options in the region]
  • LADCO had a Ramboll project: O3 Precursors Contract (2020)
  • Voluntary programs are hard to reflect

4. Modeling and analysis updates with the 2016 platform (All)

  • LADCO: 2016v1 - computed 12km DVs; working on finer scale domains
    • there are a lot of reductions from 2016v1
    • onroad NOx reductions are very large (not believable?) - also nonroad
    • 2016 5 year DVs are lowest on record for the region - starting place for attn demo is low
    • small reductions can show attainment in their region
    • 2016 platform platform presents low bar to show attainment
    • may be able to share at next collaborative call
    • setting up some sector-based source apportionment - first on 12km, then sector+source region tags
    • will also do some NOx/VOC brute force analyses
    • GA Tech working on HDDM on 4km domain - to create ozone isopleths for NAAs in region + source-receptor relnshps, also doing 1.33 km modeling around Detroit
    • Ohio emissions change in 2016v2 with MOVES3 - what is cause?
    • Note that the 2021 DVs in LADCO area are very low - some areas submitting redesignation requests (Detroit, Cinc, Louisville)
    • 2020 and 2021 were ozone conducive (2019 not as much); satellite backs up NOx reductions

5. Data sharing

  • EPA shipped out NY and some other drives with premerged emissions and other inputs
  • Working to transfer premerged emissions to CMAS [could send to IWDW if they have time to upload]
  • posted state-specific zips and more onroad files for modeling

October 13, 2021


  1. Mechanisms for sharing premerged emissions files
  2. State-specific inventory zip preparation
  3. Data products that would facilitate review
  4. What are MJOs doing for their states?


Alison, Eric, Steve A, Byeong, Tom R, Caroline, Debbie, Susan, Sarah, Mary, Zac, Scott H, Jeff U, Jeff V, Tammy, Mark J, Serpil, Doug, Tom M


1.Mechanisms for sharing premerged emissions files

  • EPA has determined these files can be shared
  • IWDW has limited bandwidth, but possibly could post if it was streamlined
  • CMAS can post after CMAS conference (although downloads aren't tracked like IWDW)
  • AWS is something that might be considered in the future
    • Zac is looking to start a national WG on cloud computing

2. State-specific inventory zip files

3. Other data products to facilitate review

4. What are MJOs doing for their states?

  • MARAMA has been sharing methods and going through summaries
  • WESTAR plans to have a call with states soon - oil and gas will be important
  • LADCO is trying to focus states on a few specific items
    • Working to build reports to make it easy for them to see problems
    • Looking at IPM vs ERTAC
    • Checking into MOVES inputs used
    • Examine top 20ish emission processes by state to very control info

September 21, 2021


  1. Overview of 2016v2 Release
  2. Q & A about release and discussion about review


Alison, Mark J, Tom R Tom M, Zac, Norm, Tammy, Byeong, Susan, Doug, Caroline, Jeongran, Serpil, Michael, Jeff U, Jeff V, Sarah, Mary, Jim B, Eric, Marc, Serpil, Mike S, Margaret, Ruby


1.       Overview of 2016v2 release (EPA)

  • Components:
    • Technical Support Document
    • Data files for 2016, 2023, 2026, and 2032:
    • 20xxemissions: SMOKE inputs by inventory category in (e.g., point, nonpoint, nonroad)
    • Spatial surrogates (36km, 12km, 4km) and ancillary data also included
    • Scripts to run SMOKE to prepare emissions (adding CAMx conversion late this week)
    • 2016v2_info… txt file replaces README for running SMOKE (due to https://gaftp)
  • Summaries:
    • US inventory state and national summaries
    • US inventory state + SCC summary
    • County+monthly summaries
    • Facility summaries: ptnonipm, pt_oilgas
    • Onroad summaries
    • Control strategy tool summaries (inputs and intermediate results)
  • Future year EGU information:
  • Sector overview
    • ptegu: minor updates from 2016v1
    • pt_oilgas: Includes WRAP inventory – otherwise minor updates
    • np_oilgas: Includes WRAP inventory + run of 2017 NEI tool for CY2016
    • airports: reflects corrections to 2017 NEI (released summer 2020)
    • ptnonipm: minor updates from 2016v1; some new control info
    • beis: updated with 2017 NEI land use and emission factors
    • cmv: unchanged from 2016v1, but new years added
    • onroad: based on MOVES3 with 2017 NEI-based inputs [retained most 2016v1 activity submissions]
    • nonroad: based on MOVES3 [very similar to 2016v1]
    • afdust: updated to backcast from 2017NEI
    • rail: unchanged from 2016v1, but new years added
    • solvents: new sector based on K. Seltzer methods; removed overlap with ptnonipm and nonpt
    • rwc: from 2017 NEI
    • ptagfire: same as 2016v1
    • ptfire: minor corrections from 2016v1 (split into wild and rx)
    • ptfire_othna: same as 2016v1
    • fertilizer: updated with a new run of CMAQ
    • livestock: 2017 NEI backcast to 2016
    • Canada: updated to new 2016 inventories
    • Mexico: updated for point, nonpoint, nonroad; onroad the same
  • Data Review process
    • Send questions and comments to for everything but future year EGUs
    • Data files small enough to email can also be sent
    • Future year EGU comments / questions should be sent to
    • Comments requested by December 17, 2021
    • If you find additional summaries would be helpful for the review, email Alison Eyth and
    • Interim questions / discussion are encouraged at WG meetings
    • Information on how/whether state & regional rules can be reflected in the inventories is encouraged
    • Feedback on TSD is welcome (typos, unanswered questions, etc.)

2.       Q&A about 2016v2 release (all)

  • Were surrogates changed?
    • One new surrogate was added (public schools - for off-network school buses). Most other surrogate data unchanged but origin spatial coverage has changed to be the same for 36km, 12km, and 4km surrogates
  • Details on MOVES inputs are important (LADCO)
  • Info on state rules would be helpful
    • MARAMA reviewing the MOG comments on rules not being included
    • LADCO has some information for their states
  • Is there metadata in the control packets? A: yes, some - plus summaries available
  • What process will MJOs/states follow to review the data?
    • A: MJOs to get together after the call and work on organizing the review
    • EPA can participate on targeted meetings and engage at existing workgroups
  • Zac may be able to auto-generate charts for 2016v2 vs 2016v1 before next meeting
  • Model performance evaluation is not yet available, but EPA has not seen anything of concern with preliminary evaluation
  • New IPM reference case to be discussed at upcoming meetings on EGUs

3.       Upcoming meetings conflict with EIAG seminars. Decided to start 1 hour earlier to avoid seminar time.

August 18, 2021


  1. Update on 2016v2 status (EPA)
  2. Update from MJOs/states on ongoing modeling (All)
  3. Discussion about inventory and modeling collaboration


Alison, Mark J, Tom R, Zac, Debbie, Winston, Tammy, Byeong, Caroline, Jeongran, Serpil, Michael, Jeff U, Jeff V, Sarah, Mary, Jim B, Eric,


1.       Update on 2016v2 status (EPA)

  • Inventories are ready for 2016, 2023, 2026, 2032
  • working on packaging and TSD -*post in about a month (mid-September)
  • MOVES3 EFs and a package to run for 2016 are already posted, plus nonroad emissions
  • 2016v2 onroad and nonroad emissions to be presented by Janice on MOVES MJO call tomorrow
  • 2016v2 web page with brief summary to go up soon

2.       MJO / state modeling updates (MJOs and states)

  • LADCO have 2016 and 2023 runs in queue with multiple nested grids
    • 12/4/1.33 km domains for 2016 and 2023 one-way nested with CAMx
    • have a new machine to run on but 1.33 is making it slow
    • working to put on AWS
    • will run state sector tag SA run to look at contributions by sector to design control strategies
    • also plan brute force NOx and VOC cuts - will help refine control needed
    • will try to model more targeted control scenarios
    • Movesmrg processing is slowest process for them
    • running for ozone season - and will do attainment test: RRFs, FYDVs, how nested grid impact performance
    • 4km definitely has better performance than 12km, so will keep that for sure
    • want to evaluate the value added from 1.33km in terms of model performance

  • Mark: ERTAC is close to v16.2 (comments came in in February) - looking at those soon
    • new shutdowns keep coming in - individual companies come out with plans in "waves"
    • Serpil: shutdowns have been projected by IPM
  • Alison recommend bringing up agenda items for EGU call to Serpil and Susan

  • Eric:
    • In middle of some CAMx runs for 2016 and 2023 with 2016v1 on OTC 4km domain
    • source apportionment modeling for 2023 on 12km domain just finished
    • looking forward to version 2
    • 4km surrogate had an issue for rec marine - posting new surrogate
    • one hour time shift in SMOKE - Eric will follow up on this offline

  • Zac: diesel defeat devices and impacts on emissions - has anyone modeled this?
    • Debbie mentioned that they have been working on estimating emissions from removing devices from medium and heavy duty trucks [using tool developed by Jenny St. Clair]
    • Debbie described the resolution of the tool outputs - some presentations have been given
    • there are some shops that "specialize" on this - it's an emissions estimation tool
    • available on Github
    • Zac has a report by Ramboll to provide some adjusted EF factor tables for MOVES - based on defeat devices; will model at some point

3.       How we might be able to use the emissions collaborative as a way to facilitate engagement between EPA and states/regions on future modeling platforms (Zac, others)

  • letter was sent to Peter about collaborative process
  • ideally would like to see data and configurations for the modeling before it was started
  • motivation: where there is going to be a culpability assessment, stakeholders should have a chance to see what data are going, and anticipate source/receptor relationship
  • Were looking for more collaboration but more practical process than 2016v1 collaborative
  • there are established relationships and tools with the Inventory Collaborative
  • how can we use Collaborative if we are to use it?
  • presented ideas to Mike K, Peter, others today and ask today
  • will see how they respond regarding a path forward
  • We might be able to leverage Collaborative to figure out a better way to collaborate
  • Process needs to be faster and less resource intensive, but different from just releasing data with TSDs
  • Alison mentioned we are trying to balance a lot of things: regulatory objectives, court-ordered deadlines, etc. The door is always open if people notice things. We try to collaborate as best we can.
  • Zac would like to see more structured communication and finite time - they are not trying to slow things down - can be on order of weeks and getresponse on what we did with feedback
  • Jeff U: really appreciated the collaborative process - thanks for making that effort; sometimes work happens and states don't have time to turn things around; would like to build on success of collaborative - it worked and should be applied in other areas

June 9 2021


  1. MOVES3 data posted for 2016
  2. Review of projections approaches and data


Alison, Mark J, Tom R, Zac, Debbie, Winston, Tammy, Byeong, Susan, Caroline, Jeongran, Serpil, Hang Qu, Michael, Jeff U, Jeff V, Xiangyu, Tom M, Doug B, Sarah, Mary


1. We discussed that the onroad and nonroad outputs from MOVES3 for 2016 are posted here:

  • Zac and Mark mentioned it would be helpful to run a day or partial month from the scripts - e.g., a day is corrupted. Alison will look into that

2. We discussed that there is projection information available from the following locations:

3. Next call: August 11

May 12, 2021


  1. Data sharing for 2016v2
  2. What have centers been doing?


Alison, Zac, Susan, Doug, Jim B, Caroline, Winston, Serpil, Tammy Mark J, Tom R, Jeff U, Jeff V, Jeongran, Eric, Xiangyu, Jin, Byeong, Mary, Heather; Not here: Sarah, Norm, Tom M


1. Data sharing for 2016v2:

  • What about inventory mode for onroad?
    • Alison mentioned that there are countyxSCC inventories available for all completed cases on FTP
  • Jeff discussed np_oilgas for 2016v2: EQUATES for exploration and WRAP for production
  • Improvement includes prescribed burn diurnal profile updates and fires split by sector
  • EPA reviewed sector plans for 2016v2 and mentioned late summer as target for sharing 2016, 2023, and 2026 inventories

2. What have centers been doing?

  • LADCO working on modeling 3 grids for 2016 (12km, 4km, 1.3km)
    • working on rest of inventory and will go to 2023
    • interested in 2016v2 once available
    • working w/ CAMx on fine grids
    • 4km files are large
    • onroad and nonroad split into diesel, non-diesel

  • NY continuing to work with 2016v1
    • processed w/ 12km OTC grid + 4km
    • doing some source apportionment for 2023 - also w/ diesel + non-diesel for OR & NR state + sector
    • running CMAQ + CAMx

    • working to get ERTAC v16.2 running in June & July
    • working on diesel tampering emissions

  • GA
    • wondering about plans to remove CB from CMAQ
    • is onroad NOx still overestimated? - see Toro et al. paper

April 14, 2021


  1. Ongoing work at EPA and data requests
  2. Development of 2016 case with some 2017 NEI
  3. Other topics


Alison, Susan, Debbie, Doug, Caroline, Winston, Serpil, Tammy, Mark J, Sarah, Tom R, Tom M, Jeff U, Jeff V, Jeongran, Eric


1. Ongoing work at EPA + data requests

  • 2016, 2023, 2026 MOVES3 - 2023 needed by LADCO and Northeast for NAAs in addition to 2016 and 2026
  • is taking LADCO a while to run SMOKE-MOVES for different grids - could they get inventory mode version? A:EPA posts county SCC inventories fore each case we've run
  • Mark: is the nonpoint inventory we post good enough for SIP modeling? A can't answer. Consult your regional rep
  • EQUATES initiative - share onroad on MOVES MJO - Kristen may present in May
  • Fed/State WG (Norm/Mary) - working to find dates in May

2. Working on a 2016 case with more 2017

  • Can EPA provide modeling input files for 2016? (they are interested once available)
  • OTC modeling committee - discuss incorporating their rules into inventories
  • 2026 projections needed by LADCO and MARAMA/OTC/NESCAUM asked about this - possibly TX, Denver and possibly other areas (CA) [areas moderate for 2015 could bump up to serious (2026)]

3. Other topics

  • April 22 EGU WG call - discussion with Tom R; trying to get some RCU folks on that - call moved to May due to a conflict for Tom R
  • Tom / Jeff Vukovich - OOOOa control program - getting more info from operators?
  • Tom Moore Also working on EGUs
  • A lot of rules promulgated in Obama administration but unclear how they were actually implemented
  • Tom: Projections have a hard time accounting for incentive-base programs (e.g. to support climate)
  • WRAP working on a 2017 platform (only base year); finished GEOSchem, running WRF at 36/12 (due May), considering making some adjustments to 2017 oil/gas, otherwise using 2017 as-is; no plans for projections
  • ozone season total summaries for 2017 for base and future years for 2026
  • Meet next month? If don't need we can cancel later (scheduled for May 12)
  • Paper outline: Tom M looked at this; Tom R also did; nuts and bolts to describe the effort

February 10, 2021


  1. Recent data releases and ongoing work at EPA (Alison)
  2. Needs for modeling inventories during next couple years (All)
  3. Ideas for building platforms for non-triennial NEI years (Zac)
  4. Set dates for upcoming meetings


Alison, Zac, Tom R, Tammy, Jin, Kathleen (for Jeff U), Debbie, Susan, Doug, Byeong, Mary, Jeff V, Sarah, Todd Pasley (NC), Michael Woodman (MD), Tom M, Mark J, Caroline, Jim B, Serpil, Winston (NY)


1. Recent data releases and ongoing work at EPA

Alison reviewed a presentation about recent data package updates including the airport correction in 2017 NEI, SAPRC availability, 2018 platform development for CDC collaboration, ORD's EQUATES project

  • Tom mentioned they has some 2018 EGU data and wondered if it would be helpful
  • Tom asked if we could review the new Canada and Mexico inventories at an upcoming meeting

Alison mentioned getting questions from various states and contractors on availability of 2017NEI-based projections and MOVES3 data.

There are questions about which state and federal rules are included in 2016v1 and which may not be included either because they happened too recently or were not included for other reasons.

  • Zac mentioned that LADCO had recently collected data on state and federal rules
  • Susan mentioned that OTC was working updating its list of rules

2. Discussion of state/regional needs

Alison pointed out that some states are using different base years than 2016 including 2017, 2018, and 2019. A discussion of state/region needs followed:

  • LADCO is still using 2016 base year but needs 2026 future year
  • OTC needs 2026 future year
  • WESTAR is working on a base year only 2017 platform
  • SESARM doesn't have regulatory needs but will do some planning modeling
  • Tom mentioned that a high-medium-low approach for projections could be useful
  • Zac mentioned RCP inventories work with multiple projections

3. Discussion of ideas for buiding modeling platforms for non-triennial NEI years

  • Zac reviewed the table he prepared considering which sectors might be reused between interim years.

  • Some sectors have activity changes, some met changes, and some both

4. Next meetings will be monthly and canceled if no topics available.