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MOVES2014 Sensitivity Modeling Results

CAMx Base 2011 version A2 MOVES2014 Sensitivity Simulation


We ran a CAMx sensitivity simulation derived from the 3SAQS 2011 Base version A2 CAMx (CAMx_3SAQS_Base11a_GCBC) configuration in which we replaced the onroad mobile emissions estimates from MOVES2010b with MOVES2014 emissions estimates. The CAMx 2011 MOVES emissions sensitivity simulation (CAMx_3SAQS_Base11a2_MOVES) is a sensitivity to evaluate the change in model performance resulting from replacing the on-road mobile emissions estimates from the previous version of the MOVES (2010b) model with estimates from the current version of MOVES (2014). Other than the MOVES emissions data, the configurations of the Base11a2 and Base11a2_MOVES simulations are exactly the same. Note that the Base11a2 simulation uses boundary conditions from the GEOS-Chem model.

EPA generated both MOVES simulations for the NEI2011 modeling platform. The on-road mobile emissions from the MOVES2010b simulation, which was used for the 3SAQS Base11a and Base11a2 CAMx simulations, was distributed by EPA as part of the NEI2011v1 platform. The MOVES2014 emissions are part of the NEI2011v2 platform and were released by EPA in early 2015.

The two MOVES simulations differ in manythe following ways:

  • MOVES2014 is a reformulation of the MOVES model with different representations of the on-road mobile emissions processes, control programs, and user interface. See the EPA Q&A Fact Sheet on the differences between MOVES2014 and older versions of the model.
  • Updated activity and speeds inventories
  • Updated VOC speciation profiles


Table 1 shows daily county total emissions comparisons between MOVES2010b and MOVES2014 for a typical weekday in January and July 2011. The MOVES2010b emissions totals are from 3SAQS simulation Base2011a and the MOVES2014 emissions totals are from the Base2011a2_MOVES sensitivity simulation.

Table 1. Comparison of Base11a (MOVES201b) and MOVES2014 Daily Total Emissions
