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2016_0324 dw operations

Date: Mar. 24, 2016
Time: 1:00-2:00pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837


1. Action items from the previous call

2. Data request overview link

3. Modeling platforms link

  • 2011b status. Files recently uploaded to viking:
    • 2011b.EMIS.CMAQ
    • 2011b.MET.CAMx (winter O3 WRFCAMx - note dates are subset of winterO3 WRF files)
    • 2025_11b.EMIS.CAMx.MERGED
    • 2011b.MPE.AQ.CAMx (combine output net cdf. Do we also want to provide download for csv files?)
    • 2011b.MPE.AQ.CMAQ
    • 2025_11b.EMIS.CMAQ.MERGED

4. Tool development (define near-term priorities)

  • SA tools: splash page with tool descriptions and selection (also link to R1 spreadsheets?)
    • R2, R3 status
  • Model-to-obs: 2011b; add other plot types; model-to-model
  • MPE plots: identify tile plots with obs overlays (e.g. O3 1hr max, daily by month). Do we want to generate other overlay plots?
    • UI to browse user generated plots (e.g. Gail's O3 spatial plots)
  • MPE stats: link to plots (e.g. stats plots, etc.). This could be done as part of DW AMET post processing. Add site level data?

5. Other items

  • IWDW website
    • "public face": about page
    • secured space for OC Committee (set up back end permissions with OC membership)


Reviewed minutes and action items from 3/09 call. Any that carry over are listed in Action Items below.

Data Requests: There are no new data requests to review.

Data Transfer: The group reviewed the status of the 2011b modeling platform transfer from UNC to the IWDW. Rodger will separate parts of winter O3 met that are not considered part of the 2011b platform; remove Combine output from MPE section; and revise the 2011b platform description to draft working in anticipation of summary from Oversight Committee.


A discussion of near-term tool development priorities that will be presented to the Tools Workgroup on Monday.

DW group will create a splash page for SA tools. Ralph will provide "read me" for tools; also noted that R1 PM SA results won't be included in visualization tool due to lack of funding in current contract. Focus will be to provide 2011b R2 visualization tool. Environ will provide data for PM SA and R3 clean run.

Shawn reported progress in adding 2011b data to the model-to-obs tool. He is able to pair 2011b model output with observational data from the DW database. He thinks he will be able to add Base and Future cases for 2008b 2011a, 2011b CAMx and CMAQ and enable model-to-model comparisons, in addition to model-to-obs comparisons.

MPE Plots: no additional development is planned for this tool in Phase I. Rodger will identify plots of relevance to MPE checklist and provide direct access to files.

MPE Stats: Follow up with Zac about site level metrics. Otherwise, no additional development is planned for this tool in Phase I.

Action Items

  • Tom - review 2011b emissions wiki and ENVIRON memo
  • Tom - Follow up with Gail and Rebecca on 2011b Platfrom recommendations

  • Ralph - provide list of pending data transfers from E.-R. to IWDW (include PM SA data files)
  • Ralph - send "read me" doc along with R2 SA visualization tool

  • Rodger - revisions to 2011b Platform description; SA splash page; reorganization of 2011b platform met files; MPE Plots for checklist