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2015-10-20 Tools Workgroup

Date: October 20, 2015
Time: 2-3:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837

IWDW Visualization Tools Workgroup


Tools wiki Meeting minutes and agendas
Tools workgroup forum IWDW Forum topic on tool development
Planning doc (updated Oct. 21, 2015)

Current tools

IWDW Data Includes the tools:
  • Emissions Review
  • Source Apportionment
  • Model-to-Observation Comparison
  • Model Performance Evaluation Plots
  • Summary Reports


Geospatial tools
  • IWDW GIS Server:link


  1. Workgroup roles & tool review
  2. Status of current tools
    1. Supported modeling platforms & observational data
    2. Features
  3. Development priorities
  4. Other items
  5. Next call



Mark Jones (NMED), Chris Pennell (UTDEQ), Gail Tonnesen (EPA), Kevin Briggs (CODPHE), Rebecca Matichuk (EPA), Nancy Daher (UTDEQ), Ken Rairigh (WYDEQ), Zac Adleman (UNCIE), Tom Moore (WESTAR), Shawn McClure (CIRA), Dustin Schmidt (CIRA), Rodger Ames (CIRA)


Rodger began the call with an overview of the agenda, and pointed out resources for the workgroup, including the workgroup wiki, forum, and issue tracker for internal project management.

The group used the attached planning document to review the current IWDW tool functionality and possible enhancements . An updated version of the planning doc is attached to the agenda which includes feedback received during the call. The IWDW tools were reviewed in the order shown on the planning doc.

Beginning with the ERT, Rebecca suggested breaking out VOCs into speciated components in order to track reactive VOCs, such as CH2O. Zac indicated that this would be problematic in the current ERT because some VOC source categories, such as biogeneics, do not include speciation. However, most anthropogenic source categories do include VOC speciation, and the tool could be modified for these categories. Rebecca suggested alternativelyan includingalternative might be to focus on speciated VOCsVOC inemissions review using emissions from a latter point in the emissions processing stream, forsuch example in a tool that displaysas model-ready gridded speciatedemissions emissions.which include VOC speciations. Zac pointed out that at that point county codes are not retained,retained in the emissions files, which looses a key linkage in the current ERT.

Discussion turned to aligning tool development with the EPA's MPE guidance document. The guidance doc. prioritizes analysis products that are most useful to various components of Study modeling platform MPE . Tom noted that there is also a need to develop a feedback process whereby issues identified during modeling evaluation (for example during emissions review) are incorporated into revised PGM modeling. For example, a tool to display spatial model-ready gridded emissions could reveal discrepancies in emissions inventories across State/county lines.

MPE tool: Tom suggested developing a matrix of available graphics by plot types, parameter, and other indices of interest (such as dry & wet dep, etc.). Rebecca added that certain plots are necessary to identify model performance issues, and these plots could be identified in the MPE tool UI.

Model-to-obs: Rebecca suggested adding diurnal plots to the output options, for example, filtering hourly O3 by a specific time-of-day. Zac noted that such plots are part of the AMET output and and available in the MPE plot browser, however they might be difficult to find. see

SA tool: The current tool and plans for future versions were presented at the Sept. 23 Tech. Committee workshop, thus the group did not go over the SA tool during the call.

Summary Reports: Kevin Briggs suggested revising the O3 threshold to reflect the 70ppb standard. Shawn noted that in addition to S and N, he will be adding Hg and PM to the deposition tools. The idea of incorporating model output to the standard reports was also raised.

GIS tools: Dustin gave an overview of a GIS tool that displays houly O3 CMAx output alongside O3 obs. The group discussed obtaining GIS layers that are relevant to the Study. GIS datasets identified as potentially relevant to the Study include: NEPA project boundaries - these could be obtained for historic studies, but and likely not available for current studies. Rebecca volunteered to inquire about the availability of historic NEPA project boundary shape files for Region 8, as well as boundary files depicting non-attainment areas. The group will also look for Tribal lands and O&G basin shape files. Zac will provide an ArcMap layer that displays emissions category pie charts. See , an example showing pie charts of VOC source categories superimposed on an O&G activity layer. There was a general discussion regarding the need to maintain consistent tool UIs and "look and feel".

Action Items

  • Rodger - develop matrices of plot characteristics for MPE and Model-to-obs tools
  • Rodger/Rebecca - meet to align IWDW tool development priorities with EPA checklist MPE recommendations
  • Rebecca - inquire about Region 8 NEPA project & non-attainment boundary files
  • Zac - provide examples of AMET diurnal plots and ArcMap generated emissions pie chart overlays (see links in meeting minutes)
  • Shawn - include 70ppb standard in O3 reports; update Model-to-obs tool with new modeling platform model-to-obs pairings