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IWDW Analysis Products

The objective of this page is to provide guidance on the types of data and analysis products that need to be available from the 3SDW. Past discussions on analysis products used the concept of the five most relevant analysis displays for air quality modeling analysis:

  • scatter plots - can compare model-obs and model-model by plotting concentrations paired in space and time along each axis; statistics summarizing the model performance are also nice additions to these plots. Configuration options for this plot should include the species, the monitoring network(s), the model simulation(s), the time period, the spatial subset of monitors (i.e. all monitors in the domain or CO monitors only), and a cutoff concentration (i.e. only values that are above a certain concentration) to display in the scatter and the metrics to include in the table of performance stats
  • time series plots - model-obs and sometimes multiple model-obs results displaying concentrations paired in space and time with concentrations on the y-axis and time on the x-axis; most useful for single site analysis. Configuration options for this plot should include the species, the monitoring network, spatial subset (state ID), the model simulation(s), the time period, and the monitor to display; populate a drop down list of monitors based on the selected network and spatial subset
  • spatial stats - spatial display of statistics of model performance at monitor locations; colors indicate the value of the statistic. Configuration options for this plot should include the species, the monitoring network(s), the model simulation, the time period, and the statistical metric to display. Relevant metrics are correlation coefficient, MB, ME, NMB, NME, FB, FE, RMSE, index of agreement, R^2
  • tile plots - spatial plot of the model results; often displayed as daily/monthly/annual maximums, 4th highest daily maximum 8-hour average O3, or another relevant metric; Configuration options for this plot should include the species, the model simulation, the time period; may also have options for creating a difference plot between two simulation and observation overlays
  • soccer plots - summary of statistics that plots model error vs. bias with lines representing performance goals superimposed on the plot. Configuration options for this plot should include the species, the monitoring network, spatial subset (state ID), and the model simulation

Task 1: Time Series Plots (11Nov2014)

The first plot to work on will be the time series plots to display the model vs. obs results at specific monitors in the modeling domain. A database export from the UNC AMET instance for this project that includes paired data for all of the FRM networks is available on Viking:


Use these data to prototype the analysis database and time series display tool. After getting the time series display to work we will move on to creating other display products