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2015_0331 DW Operations

Date: March 31, 2015
Time:2:30pm MST
Call in: 1-866-398-2885 and access code 747721


1. Review action items from March 17 call.

2. Re-cap from Feb. 25 Tech. Committee Meeting

  • EPA checklist
  • 2011a & 2011a2 resources and availability on DW
  • anything else...

3. Additions to Wiki

  1. Comments: point links to doc to DW documents page (ensure most recent doc is referenced); add link to TOC for wiki entries further up processing chain (or see wiki entries in table below); explain evaluation rankings in Table

4. DW website development

  • Data Request UI (idea of having "submitted" requests initiate a new project once the request is "approved")
  • Image Browser link (UI and tool layout, functionality, etc.)
  • Other high priority tools under development

5. Data Request status

6. Other DW projects (work we want to keep track of, but don't necessarily need to rehash during every call)

  • ARMS platform
  • O&G workgroup page
  • ENVIRON SA tool
  • In house tool development
  • Model-to-obs tool
  • Emissions browser

Wrap Up

Attendes: Ralph, Shawn, Dustin, Zac, Rodger
Call Duration: 1hr 10min

  • 2011a Modeling Platform:
    The DW will support multiple scenarios of the 2011a platform, rather than produce a 2011a2 platform. Zac's 2011a Modeling Platform Description Wiki provides an overview of options that are, or are planned for, the 2011a platform. The table provides a template for populating Dustin's category system (that supports the DW Data Request form) with 2011a platform options.
    Zac will add Add row in 2011a Modeling Platform Description Table for MPE, Reports, & Obs. Data. Also fill in blank fields in notes/references column.
    Some planned sensitivity runs are not included in the Table, for example a Hybrid CMAQ which will be run for a couple months of the 2011 modeling year, and a 4th BC scenario using AM3.
    Contents of the table currently on viking and available to users include modeling software, emissions data, met data, MOZART and GEOS-Chem ICBCs, Other input data, PGM output for CAMx Base11a_MZBC.
    There was discussion on the evaluation number and the group will wait to hear more on this from Tom. Some suggestion were to include status flags to show data availability, and perhaps level of performance evaluation, etc.

  • Data Request UI:
    Dustin's latest version is currently published. Migration of approved direct requests to new projects, if we choose to do so, can be done manually on a case by case basis.

  • DW tool development:
    Image Browser: Browser
    Ongoing discussion of how to arrange physical files on viking ftp server. Currently directories with plots are assigned to ftp user account with full access privileges.
    Modifications to the image browser tool could require additional metadata assigned to plots or plot types. Expanding the system's knowledge of the plot's metadata beyond individual filenames could allow for auto population of the for select boxes, and therefore more rapid loading of the browser UI, and allow for "logical" side by side plot comparisons. The category system currently use for the modeling platform files could be used for assembling and organizing plot metadata.
    The DW Team will continue to discuss the evolution of the image browser tool.

  • Data Request Status
    Email notifications are in place for the data request system. Rodger and Dustin will follow up with moving any submitted request through approval and fulfillment.

Description Table: Possibly add contact information for individual platform components. Since most contacts would come to DW Team, a list serve could be employed to handle generic requests.

Action Items

  1. Rodger - Revise Data Request overview to include criteria data request approval.
  2. Zac - Add row in 2011a Modeling Platform Description Table for MPE, Reports, & Obs. Data. Also fill in blank fields in notes/references column.
  3. Shawn - sort out remaining issues with implementing email notification on the DW forums.
  4. Dustin - create prototype categories that include revised modeling platform components
  5. Dustin - experiment with transfer of road kill wiki contents to Media Wiki
  6. Shawn/Dustin - follow up with transfer of Environ SA tool code base to DW
  7. Rodger/Dustin - follow up on DW data requests