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This Wiki contains documentation for the Western Air Quality Study - Intermountain West Data Warehouse (IWDW-WAQS) Project. Additional Project information can be found on the IWDW website About page.


The WAQS conducts meteorology, emissions, and air quality modeling to facilitate air resource analyses for federal and state agencies, and to provide up-to-date modeling platforms for the air quality research community. The wiki provides descriptions of WAQS developed photochemical grid model (PGM) platforms, model sensitivity analyses and source apportionment modeling. The wiki entries contain additional descriptions and graphics that supplement 3SAQS/WAQS technical reports.

WAQS 2014 Modeling Platform

The WAQS is currently developing a PGM modeling platform for the 2014 Base Year. The IWDW currently has 2014 WRF data from WAQS and EPA modeling; EPA's 2014 GEOS-Chem data; WRAP 2014 Oil and Gas Basin emissions inventories, and EPA's 2014 NEI v2 summary and modeling platform emissions data.

Past WAQS/3SAQS Modeling Platforms

Source Apportionment Modeling

Additional Modeling Results

Modeling Instructions


The IWDW is a website and dataserver that hosts WAQS modeling platforms, air quality monitoring data from a variety of observational networks and special studies, and provides online tools that allow users to explore, analyze and download modeling and monitoring data.




Projects & Reports


Development Team

Inventory Collaborative

For the first time ever, states, tribes, multi-jurisdictional organizations (MJOs), and EPA will endeavor to collaborate and work together as peers to develop a national Emissions Modeling Platform for calendar year 2016 (2016 EMP), including recommending methods to support future year projections into the 2020s with expected projection years of 2023 and 2028.

Go to the Inventory Collaborative Wiki