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2015-09-11 IWDW-WAQS Project Stewards

Date: Sept. 11, 2015
Time: 11-12:30pm MDT
Call in: 1-800-768-2983 and access code 4918837



#RecapRecap of Aug. 6 call 2015-08-06 WAQS Project Stewards

Request/project ID:

Review Data Use Agreement

  • disclaimer - the opinions from this study do not reflect the opinions of the WAQS Cooperators.
  • disclaimer - requestor assumes ownership of transformed data, and will make an effort to identify to whom they have provided transformed data.

Review pending data requests in the IWDW Data Request Overview

Request ID:

  • ID 3282 (ENVIRON/RAQC - 2008b, 2008b_2020, 2011a)
  • ID 3297 (AECOM/EPA - 2008b CAMx source)
  • 3309 (EPA - 2011a Met
  • ID 80 (status)
  • ID 3288 (Authorized)


A revised Data Use agreement was presented. The group recommend minor changes and will respond with any additional comments within appx. two weeks time. It was recommended that language be developed for citations to datasets obtained from the DW. The language will be posted with the Data Request interface, and the Data Use Agreement will advise data users to follow the citation format.

The Stewards group reviewed pending data requests and authorized release of requests 3282 and 3288. #2270 was cancelled because it was a duplicate of 3288. #80 required further deliberation.

Action Items

  • Group - respond with comments on Data Use Agreement (within two weeks)
  • RA - Draft dataset citation language for posting alongside data request UI
  • RA - Follow up with T. Allen regarding data request
  • Tom - Draft para. for oversight committee regarding CATF request