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2014 Oil and Gas Emissions Inventories


This page contains links to all of the WAQS emissions data for oil and gas sources in the Intermountain West. The inventory data will be used for WAQS 2014 (base year) modeling.


The inventories are a mix of permitted (point) and survey-based (non-point) annual emissions. Descriptions of the files and file formats are provided below.

Inventory Summaries

The table below includes links to spreadsheets of the base year (2014) WAQS emissions inventories for selected oil and gas development basins. Brief descriptions of the inventory data are supplemented by additional details of these data in each spreadsheet.

Table 1. WAQS 2014 Oil and Gas Emission Inventory Spreadsheets

Basin2014Future YearDescription
Big HornxlsFor 2014, nonpoint source emissions were directly provided by Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) for all Wyoming counties and emissions for Carbon County, Montana were obtained from 2014 National Emission Inventory (NEI) Final v1. Similarly, the point source emissions were obtained from WYDEQ for Wyoming Counties and 2014 NEI Final v1 for Carbon County, Montana.
Green Riverxls 
Powder Riverxls 
San Juanxls 
Sweetgrass Archxls 
Wind Riverxls 
2014 IWDW-WAQS Emissions Inventories

•       Final 2014 Memorandum (PDF) •       Final 2014 Base Year Inventory Spreadsheet Files o       basin (XLS) o       basin (XLS) o       et cetera

UT DAQ Nov22_2017updates for produced water emission numbers that were included in the 2014 IWDW-WAQS final memo and spreadsheet (above)

•       UT DAQ Nov22_2017 EI data table (PDF) •       UT DAQ Nov22_2017 updated 2014 Spreadsheet Files o       … (XLS) o       … (XLS)

Greater San Juan and Permian Basin 2014 Inventory Study:

•       Final 2014 Base Year Report (PDF) •       Final 2014 Base Year Inventory Spreadsheet Files o       Greater San Juan Basin (XLS) o       Permian Basin (XLS)

Download all of the base year (2014) spreadsheets (zip).

Download updates for nine basins, base year (2011).